I am submitting my song for the NGUAC competition today for the knockout round. im really exited and i had a lot of fun. i also am enjoying FL 12, its a really cool update and im exited for 12.1. Ive beem mostly using auto gun but my birthday is coming up so ill be able to get the producer package, which will extend my abilities. i can't believe it's been about a year (or 2, who knows?). I often go back and listen to my old songs and think about them. I usually think "Wow these suck" (If you wanted insightful stuff i don't have any). I would talk more about that stuff but ill save that for another post ;)
MOTD: You will most likely regret things you didn't do rather than things you did, so YOLO and go have fun (Don't kill yourself though lol).
I love the space ship montage song you made! My fingers were tapping to the beat the whole time! :D Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Just don't listen to it on your phone lol, for some reason the drums are too loud on the phone speakers, probably because my computer has bass speaker. I like making my fast songs too and they are usually really easy and fun to come up with.